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Analysis of Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior in the Purchase Mineral Drinking Waterin the municipality of Surabaya (Ritawati Tedjakusuma, Sri Hartini, Muryani)47thANALYSIS OF FACTORS AFFECTINGCONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR OF DRINKING WATERMINERAL in the municipality SURABAYAANALYSIS OF THE Factors Influencing Consumers'BEHAVIOR IN MINERAL PUSCHASING Drinking WaterIN SURABAYA MunicipalityRitawati Tedjakusuma, Sri Hartini, Muryani *ABSTRACTThe objectives of the research are to know the concurrent effects of educational factors ofconsumers along with the price, quality, distribution, and promotion of mineral drinkingwater towards the consumers' purchasing behavior in mineral water, and to identify whatfactors have a dominant effect on the consumers' behavior in purchasing mineral water inSurabaya.After an examination of 200 respondents by means of multiple linear regression method,The study found that: (1) Fcount value is 34,677, meaning that it is larger than Ftable (2.14).This indicates that there are significant concurrent effects of educational factors ofconsumers along with the price, quality, distribution, and promotion of mineral drinkingwater towards the consumers' purchasing behavior in mineral water in Surabaya. Thus,The first hypothesis is accepted. (2) Among the independent variables that were Examined,price has a dominant and significant effect on consumers' purchasing behavior in mineraldrinking water. Thus, the second hypothesis is accepted. (3) Viewed from the effects ofindividual factors on consumers' purchasing behavior in mineral drinking water, then:(A) Price has a significant effect of 12:15% on the purchase of mineral drinking water.(B) Education and income have a significant effect on the purchase of mineral drinkingwater. (C) Quality, distribution, and promotion have a significant but little effect on thepurchase of mineral drinking water.The findings show that price has a very significant effect. Therefore, companies shouldtake it into account first Because there Occurs a tight competition among mineral drinkingwater producers. In addition, the findings suggest that companies pay more attention toeducational factors, income, quality, distribution and promotion, since these factors couldincrease of the purchasing volume of mineral drinking water.Keywords: Consumers' behavior, drinking mineral water* Faculty of Economics, University of AirlanggaJournal of Social Dynamics Vol. 2 No.. December 3, 2001: 48 -5848thINTRODUCTIONThe development industry is rapidly increasing particularly in the city of Surabaya, willquite complex impact on the environment the company itself,and its surroundings, which are pollution problems. If notwatched closely on the industrial waste, pollution will arise eitherair and water are quite large.On the issue of water, through the Regional Water Company (PDAM), governmenthave attempted to provide and meet the needs of clean drinking water,pollution-free, but in fact until recently encountered a water leidengmurky because many companies throw their waste into the river withoutprocessed first.Seeing these conditions, many companies are trying to take advantage of opportunitiesfor the production of drinking water really clean, pollution-free andhealthy in the form of glasses, bottles and gallon, using the brandsuch as Aqua, Club, Total, Ades, Aquase and Cheer.From the above conditions, and increasing levels of education andpublic awareness of health, it affected theconsumer behavior in consuming mineral water. In addition, consumershave freedom in choosing the product. For manufacturers that requirestrategy with the goal of achieving competitive advantage and need informationabout the factors that influence consumer behavior in doingpurchase a product.According Essael (1987: 11) there are three factors that influence the decisionconsumer decisions are: (1) individual factors including consumerconsumer education and income, (2) the influence of the environment, (3) strategiesmarketing. Marketing strategy is a variable that can be controlled bymarketers in an attempt to inform and influence consumers. VariablesThis is the product, price, distribution and promotion.Socio-economic changes affect consumer behavior in buying, eitherfor the primary and secondary needs. Socio-economic changes includeincomes and educational levels that are characteristic of the buyer.There is a direct correlation between the level of education, income and abilitybuy one. Education is directly related to the abilitybuy because there is a strong correlation between education and income.Education affects consumers in making decisions, consumershigher education have a different view of the alternativebrand and consumer prices compared to the lower educated.To make a purchase, consumers can not be separated from the product characteristicskind of appearance, style, quality and price of the product. Determinationprice the seller will affect the buying behavior of consumers, becauseAnalysis of Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior in the Purchase Mineral Drinking Waterin the municipality of Surabaya (Ritawati Tedjakusuma, Sri Hartini, Muryani)49thprices that are accessible to consumers will tend to make consumerspurchase the product.Characteristics sellers will influence buying decisions. In this caseconsumers would rate the seller, whether regarding service, convenienceobtain products and friendly attitude of the seller.If managers have the information the extent to which behavioral variableseffect on the purchase, then the manager can select the mixproper marketing. The company is currently working to mrngembangkanvarious marketing mix variables. First: in terms of product managers continuallyfind and develop products in accordance with the wishesconsumers. Second: in terms of price, the manager tried to determine the price that can beaffordable by all levels of society. Third: In terms of distribution, the managerprovide the best possible service, so easy to obtain consumers.Fourth: In terms of promotion, the manager can communicate information through advertisingas well as sales promotion.Based on the description it can be concluded, the importance of the factor analysisinfluence consumer behavior towards buying decision of a productparticular. To be able to anticipate the rapid competition facedmineral water company in Surabaya municipality in order tomaintain its existence, it is necessary studies conducted so farwhich these factors influence consumer behavior towards buying decisionmineral water.From the description of the background, then the problem can be formulated as follows:(1) What are the factors that comprise individual consumer education,income and factors marketing strategies consisting of price, quality,distribution and promotion jointly have a significant effectconsumer behavior in buying mineral water inSurabaya municipality, (2) Among the factors mentioned above, which factorhave a dominant influence in the purchase of mineral water in the MunicipalitySurabaya.METHODSThe conceptual framework of the study, see Figure 1.Based on the formulation of the problem and theoretical studies that have been raised inprevious section, then proposed several hypotheses: (1) educational factors,income, prices, quality, distribution and promotion togetherhave a significant effect on consumer behaviorbuying mineral water in the municipality of Surabaya, (2) cost factorsis the dominant factor influencing consumer behavior inbuying mineral water in the Municipality of Surabaya.Journal of Social Dynamics Vol. 2 No.. December 3, 2001: 50 -5850thFigure 1. The conceptual framework of researchDependent variable (Y) is the consumer behavior in purchasing drinking waterminerals.The independent variable (X) are the variables that influence consumer behaviorinclude: (1) educational factors, (2) income, (3) price, (4) quality, (5) distribution,and (6) Promotion.Variable depending on the behavior of consumers (Y) is the number of times aconsumers make repeat purchases of the mineral water, in aperiod of time (within 3 months) in the form of a gallon.The independent variable (X), ie the factors that influence consumer behaviorthe purchase of mineral water, broken down into six variables include:1. Educational factors (X1) is an assessment of the education of the respondents,the indicator is the last formal education they have, theexpressed by scoring according to Libert Scale.2. Factor income (X2) is the net monthly income received by therespondent (father / mother) or personal income for those who are alone(Bachelor / girl) in rupiah, further divided into 5 groupsincome, and measured according to the Likert Scale. Five income groupsas follows:a. Rp 500,000 - <Rp 700,000 gets a value of 1b. Rp 700.000 - <Rp 900,000 gets a value of 2c. Rp 900.000 - <Rp 1.100.000 got 3d. Rp 1.100.000 - <Rp 1,300,000 get 4e. more than $ 1.3 million received a score of 53. Factor prices (X3) are the responses to the price of drinking watermineral indicators:a. Opinions on the price of mineral water.b. That determines the price into consideration.X1 = factor of educationX2 = factor incomeX3 = price factorX4 = quality factorX5 = distribution factorX6 = promotion factorY = Consumer behaviorAnalysis of Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior in the Purchase Mineral Drinking Waterin the municipality of Surabaya (Ritawati Tedjakusuma, Sri Hartini, Muryani)514. The quality factor (X4) is the response of respondents to the quality of drinking waterminerals were measured by Likert Scale.5. Distribution factor (X5) is the response of the respondents in terms of easeobtain mineral water indicators:a. Easy / not buying process undertaken by respondents.b. Services provided by the respondents.c. Far / near places to obtain mineral waterEverything is measured according to the Likert Scale.6. Promoting factor (X6) are the responses to sales promotionsmade by the seller of mineral water, measured by Likert Scaleindicators:a. The attitude of the respondents towards the promotion of mineral water.b. Want to buy at the time aware of the promotion of mineral water.The study population is consumers who make mineral water consumptionin a gallon.Withdrawal method is called incidental sampling method, the respondents werehappen to find or be found. The number of respondents to be takenas many as 200 people.Types of data sources: (a) Primary data is the data obtained by conductinginterviews with respondents based on a list of questions, and (b)Secondary data is data obtained from the Statistical Office of East Java.How to collect the data: (a) interview, which held a question and answerrespondents and related parties, and (b) Questionnaire, withsent a questionnaire to be filled out by the respondent, herein respondents were askedoffer advice or answer questions.The analysis model used in this study is a linear regression modelregression, namely:Y = B0 + + B1X1 B2X2 B3X3 + + + B4X4 B5X5 B6X6 + + eDescription:Y = consumer behavior; B0 = intercept; B1 B6 sd = regression coefficients to be calculated;X1 = education; X2 income; X3 = price; X4 = quality; X5 = distribution; X6 = promotion ande = confounding variables.Analysis model was selected to determine the level of influence of these variablesfree consumer behavior mineral water well togetheror partially.In the use of multiple linear regression analysis model in order to produce Best LinearUnbiased Estimator (BLUE) should be evaluated econometrics. This evaluationintended to determine whether the use of multiple linear regression modelsas an analytical tool has met several classical assumptions, the testmulticollinearity, test and test heterocedastisity auto correlation.Journal of Social Dynamics Vol. 2 No.. December 3, 2001: 52 -5852The next process is to prove the hypothesis by engineering analysisas follows:1. Testing the first hypothesis that simultaneous regression (F test)Simultaneous test is used to determine whether the independent variablestogether significantly influence or not the variable is nothypothesis-free formula:Ho: βi = 0, meaning that the independent variables do not explain the dependent variable.Ha: βi ≠ 0, meaning that the independent variables explain the dependent variable.Fhitung than the F table at the 5% significance level. When Fhitung ≥ Ftabel,then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. It explains that the independent variablespowerful influence on employee performance. When Fhitung ≤ F table,then Ho is accepted and Ho is rejected, it means that the independent variable has no effectthe employees' performance.To view the ability of the independent variables in explaining the dependent variableindependent coefficients can be determined by looking at multiple terminated (R).When R is close to 1, then the contribution of independent variables to the variabledependent increases. When R is close to 0 (zero), means that the contribution ofindependent variable on the dependent variable weaker.2. Testing of the second hypothesis, namely the Partial Regression Test (t-test)T test conducted to determine the effect of each independent variablethe subject, the formulation of hypotheses:Ho: βi = 0, that is partially independent variables have no effectsignificant effect on the dependent variable.Ha: βi ≠ 0, that is partially independent variables have a significant influencethe dependent variable.Testing is done by comparing the respective tcountindependent variables with significant t-table at 5%.When tcount ≥ TTable, then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted, meaning the independent variablesprovide a very strong influence on employee performance.Conversely, if thitung ≤ TTable, then Ho is accepted and Ha rejected, meaning thepartial no significant influence on job performanceemployees.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONRegression Analysis ResultsTo determine the influence of education, income factors, price factors,quality factor, the factor distribution and promotion factors together toconsumer behavior mineral water, use quantitative analysis withmultiple linear regression method, and the results can be seen as follows:Analysis of Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior in the Purchase Mineral Drinking Waterin the municipality of Surabaya (Ritawati Tedjakusuma, Sri Hartini, Muryani)53Table 1. Multiple Regression Results Factors Affecting BehaviorConsumers in Purchasing Drinking Mineral WaterVariablesDependent(Y)VariablesFree(Xn)CoefficientRegressiontarithmeticTTableα =0.05Prob r2Partial SpecificationEducation(X1)0.9824 3.464 1.960 0.000650.0585th> tt significantIncome(X2)0.7288 3.642 1.960 0.00035 0.0643 th> tt significantPrice (X3) -1.2899-5.167 1.960 0.00000 0.1215 th> tt significantQuality (X4) 0.6920 2.328 1.960 0.02096 0.0273 th> tt significantDistribution (X5) 0.8037 1.992 1.960 0.04778 0.0201 th> tt significantConsumer BehaviorPromotion (X6) 0.7757 2.062 1.960 0.04051 0.0216 th> tt significantR Squarred = 0.5188 Fhitung = 34.677Adjusted R. Square = 0.5038 F table = 2.14Multiple R = 0.7203 Probability = 0.000 E + 00Constanta = 2.2281 DW = 1.9970The results of the regression equation is:Y = 2.2281 + 0.9824 X1 + 0.7288 X2 - 1.2899 X3 + X4 + 0.6920 + 0.7757 0.8037 X5 X6.Based on Table 1, the education factor, income factor, quality factor, factordistribution and promotional factors have a positive relationship with behavioralconsumers, while the price factor has a negative relationship with the behaviorconsumers.This positive relationship suggests that the educational factor, factor income,quality factor, distribution factor and promotional factors changed the direction of thechanges in consumer behavior mineral water. Shows a negative relationshipthat factor prices change opposite direction to behavior changemineral water consumers.By comparing the t-count of each independent variable turnsthitung> TTable, means the independent variables have a significant influencethe dependent variable.Before testing the hypothesis needs to be doneeconometric evaluation of the regression models in order to qualifyas Best Linear Un beased Estimator (BLUE).Journal of Social Dynamics Vol. 2 No.. December 3, 2001: 54 -5854tha. Multicollinearity Test. In this research prove there is nomulticollinearity, since the correlation coefficient between the independent variables under 0.08.b. Heteroscedasticity test. In this study, the correlation of eachindependent variables with the variable residual is still below 0.80. So it can be toleratedregression analysis model that is found can be used to estimatedecision-making.c. Autocorrelation test. In this study to detect the autocorrelationDurbin Watson test method is used, the test results obtained by DW 1.9970. Thismeans are in the area there is no autocorrelation. Thus, through theevaluation ekonomitrika three conditions are met classical assumptions, so that the modelhave been used to estimate a linear regression analysismultiple of the future state and the past.Testing Hypothesis I (F test) or the First Hypothesis TestingBased on the regression calculation, the value Fhitung = 34.67 means moregreater than F table by 2.14 with a probability of 0.000 <0.005. Judging from the magnitudecontribution of all independent variables on the dependent variable is equal to (R2)0.5188 or 51.88%, it turns out the factors of education, income, price, quality,and promotion has a significant effect on consumer behavior of waterdrinking mineral. This means that the first hypothesis is proven.Partial Test II (t test) or the Second Hypothesis TestingOf the six independent variables, based on partial r2 numbers havehighest contribution rates are variable. So the second hypothesis which statesprices have a dominant influence on consumer behavior has beenproved.Discussion of Analysis Results1. Factors influencing consumer behavior in purchasing drinking watermineralAnalysis of the results of hypothesis testing indicate that these variables aretogether significantly influence consumer behavior. It can be seenof the value of Fh (34.677) is greater than Ft (= 2.14).The relationship between the independent variables to the dependent variableshowed a close relationship (72.03%). The coefficient of multiple determination51.88% indicated that consumer behavior is explained by education,income, prices, quality, distribution and promotion of 51.88%. While48.12% determined by variables outside the model.The high influence of outside models because benyaknya because the factors thatinfluencing consumer behavior (repeat purchases), namely: (a) social factors,Analysis of Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior in the Purchase Mineral Drinking Waterin the municipality of Surabaya (Ritawati Tedjakusuma, Sri Hartini, Muryani)55thculture, (b) a reference factors (eg family, friends), (c) psychological factors, (motivation,attitudes, culture, perception), (d) satisfaction in the past.2. The influence of each factor influencing consumer behavior drinking waterminerala. The influence of education (X1) on consumer behaviorAccording to the results of statistical calculations, it turns out that the education factorhave a positive relationship or direction, this means that if educationenhanced, then the behavior of consumers in the purchase of mineral wateralso increased.Based on the data processing generated more th = 3.464 besardari tt = 1.960.This means that education has a significant effect.The higher a person's education, the knowledge of thehealth is getting higher, so they tend to be more selectivein choosing a germ-free drinking water. This is resulting in a patternrepeat purchase has positive direction toward the purchase.b. Effect of income (X2) on consumer behaviorKoefisian income variable regression showed a positive number meanshave a positive or direct relationship to consumer behavior (Y).This means that if the total income of the respondent increases, the behaviorconsumers against buying mineral water also increases.Based on data processing, resulting th = 3.642 greater than tt =(1.960) have a significant meaning.The higher the income level, are likely to buy watermineral drinking again, because the purchasing power held high.c. Effect of price (X3) on consumer behaviorPrice variable regression coefficient indicates a positive number, meaning that if the pricemineral water decreases, then consumer behavior (repeat purchase)the purchase of mineral water will increase.Based on data processing, resulting th = -5.167 <tt = (-1.960),have a significant influence.High level of competition between firmsproducing mineral water in gallons (Aqua, Club, Ades, and others)make consumers sensitive to price (the difference between the selling price of watermineral water is very thin), so when the price is raised, then the consumertend to move to other brands, meaning that if prices riserepeat purchase declined.d. Effect of quality (X4) on consumer behaviorRegression coefficient of the variable quality of the figure shows a markedThis positive means that the relationship between the two variables is unidirectional,meaning that if the quality improved, the consumer behavior forpurchase mineral water will also increase.Journal of Social Dynamics Vol. 2 No.. December 3, 2001: 56 -5856thBased on data processing, resulting th = 2.328 greater than tt (=1.960), had a significant effect.Drinking water is a basic requirement, so the quality of drinking waterminerals are considered by consumers. Consumerconsider the issue of quality, because the quality of water PDAM Surabayalower. Because water is a basic need and a veryrelated to human health, the quality of mineral watergreatly influence the consumer's decision.e. Effect of distribution (X5) on consumer behaviorKoefisian regression of the variable distribution of 0.8037. By the numbersis positive, it means that the relationship between the two variables isunidirectional, meaning that if the distribution of improved, in the sense that the company triedto enable customers to order mineral water can be purchased whereAny consumer resides.Based on data processing, resulting th = 1.992> tt = 1.960, givingsignificant influence.The better distribution (the available mineral water everywhere),it is easy to get it higher. It isaffect the purchase of drinking water. The high competitionThere has been making company that produces mineral waterstrives to provide products as close as possible to theconsumers, so that when a mineral water brand is not available (hardget) so consumers can easily switch to another brand.f. Effect of promotion (X6) on consumer behaviorKoefisian regression of variables shows a marked promotionpositive, this means that the relationship between the two variables is unidirectional,meaning that if the campaign carried out by the company to be improved, thenconsumer behavior to buy mineral water as wellincreased.Based on data processing, resulting th = 2.062> tt = 1.960, givingsignificant influence.Promotion can create consumer awareness of a product.Promotion of good (delivering product excellence) will increaseconsumer confidence in the product. It affectsconsumer repeat purchase.CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONSKnotOf processing and data analysis, hypothesis testing, analysis and discussionresults of research, so few conclusions can be drawn as follows:1. It turns out the first hypothesis accepted, that the behavior of consumers inpurchase of mineral water affected jointly and meaningfulby a factor of education, income, prices, quality, distribution and promotion. CaseAnalysis of Factors Influencing Consumer Behavior in the Purchase Mineral Drinking Waterin the municipality of Surabaya (Ritawati Tedjakusuma, Sri Hartini, Muryani)57thThis is indicated by Fhitung = 34.677 is higher than the F table = 2.14, with a coefficientcorrelation coefficient R of 0.7203 and multiple determination (R Squared) of0.5188.2. The second hypothesis is that prices have a dominant influence on behaviormineral water consumers are accepted.SuggestionBased on the conclusions drawn, we then canproposed some suggestions that might be possible and useful tomineral water industry. The suggestion proposed is as follows:1. By knowing the price factor has a dominant influenceconsumer behavior in purchasing mineral water in the MunicipalitySurabaya, then this reflects that the price factor is a factorwhich is crucial in the purchase of mineral water. Starting from thisfrom these results, businesses should be to raise the price, it should be veryconsidered as a result, because of the fierce competition between pengusahapengusahamineral water.2. Income is a significant factor both. afterprices. Based on this, employers should produce drinking waterminerals according to the income of the community, so that people canbuy.3. Education is also a significant factor. Distributorshould pay attention to consumer education, as moreeducated person, the knowledge about health in choosingmineral water is increasing.4. Water quality is a significant factor. Based on this,employers should always improve the quality of drinking mineral water.5. Promotion is also a significant factor. Based on the resultsthis, the employer must conduct a media campaign using broadsuch as newspapers, television, and other print media, so the watermineral water is not only known by the people in Surabaya, but alsorecognized by people from other areas.6. Distribution is a significant factor. In this case,employers should add distribution channels and increaseservices that better satisfy the consumer, because now the contributionsdistribution is very small at 2.16% on consumer behavior in purchasingmineral water.7. Respect to this research only consider six factors thatinfluencing consumer behavior in purchasing mineral water, thenso more research needs to be done to involve morefactors that affect consumers in the purchase of drinking waterminerals, so as to know the effectiveness of these factors onconsumer behavior.Journal of Social Dynamics Vol. 2 No.. December 3, 2001: 58 -5858thREFERENCESAlgifari. 1997. Regression Analysis, Theory, Cases, and Solutions, First Edition, First Edition, BP. FE.Yogyakarta.Asseal, Henry. 1987. Consumer Behavior and Marketing Action, Fourth Edition PWS, KentPublishing Company, Boston.Buchari, Alma. 1992. 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